Do gaming phones really make a difference?
Nowadays, people are not holding phones, but phones are holding people. One of the main reasons is games. This pandemic has taken gaming to the next level! The global mobile video game market value grew from 35 billion dollars (2019) straight away up to 80 billion dollars! That's 4 times larger than the music industry revenue. Today's youths are crazy about gaming . According to the reports, there are over 25 million gaming channels on youtube, and there are over 2.8 billion gamers worldwide! Most of my friends and my cousins run gaming channels. If you ask today's kids whether they prefer a flagship phone or a gaming phone? The majority of them are more likely to pick the gaming phone. Many smartphone companies manufacture gaming phones. They claim that their phones are " way better " at playing games compared to flagship phones though they both have similar specifications. Do we really need a gaming phone? Not really... As mentioned earlier, the flagship an...